ecclesiastical vestment造句


  1. This is in reference to the ecclesiastical vestment from which this heraldic charge derives.
  2. During their flight Theobald and his fellow bishops were robbed of their horses and ecclesiastical vestments.
  3. Above the bishops, represented all without planeta and a pallium, an ecclesiastical vestment only worn by popes and archbishops.
  4. At Exeter, Leofric worked to increase the income and resources of his cathedral, both in lands and in ecclesiastical vestments.
  5. Depicting the saintly bishop Saint Nicholas together with his namesake the living abbot in similar ecclesiastical vestments confers dignity upon the latter.
  6. It's difficult to find ecclesiastical vestment in a sentence. 用ecclesiastical vestment造句挺难的
  7. Both Balenciaga and Shamask were influenced by the folds and draping of the ecclesiastical vestments in the work of the 17th-century Spanish painter Zurbaran.
  8. In the Roman Catholic Church the cappa magna ( literally, " great cape " ), a form of mantle, is a voluminous ecclesiastical vestment with a long train.
  9. There are Ottoman mail; drug jars, mortars and weights from the Hospitallers'pharmacy in Malta; decorative arts ( portrait medals, ceramics, glass, silver, furniture, jewellery, insignia, textiles, ecclesiastical vestments ) reflecting the tastes of the European aristocrats who joined the Order and became significant patrons of the arts.
  10. The de Young has exhibited fashion since the 1930s and is known for its 20th-century couture, particularly from the post World War II era, with pieces by Dior, Balenciaga, fans, an excellent lace collection, a spectacular group of European ecclesiastical vestments and furnishings, and a growing collection of contemporary wearable art.
  11. In 1564, Humphrey and his friend Thomas Sampson, Dean of Christ Church, Oxford, were called before Parker for refusing to wear the prescribed ecclesiastical vestments; and a prolonged struggle, the vestments controversy, broke out, in which Bullinger and other foreign theologians took part as well as most of the leading divines in England.
  12. The "'pallium "'( derived from the Roman " pallium " or " palla ", a woolen cloak; : " pallia " ) is an ecclesiastical vestment in the Catholic Church, originally peculiar to the Pope, but for many centuries bestowed by him on primates as a symbol of the jurisdiction delegated to them by the Holy See.
  13. Another account, given by Antonio de Ferrariis in his work " De situ Japigiae ", states that the archbishop, " after having heartened the population the previous day by the sacrament of the Eucharist, climbed from the crypt of the cathedral into the choir, and there, a martyr of the faith in Christ and dressed in ecclesiastical vestments, was murdered on his cathedra by the Turks, when they broke into the church ."


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